Employee Engagement that drives performance


An engaged workforce makes better decisions, is more productive, and performs better, thus leading to increased levels of customer satisfaction. Improved employee experience positively impacts staff members, teams, and overall business success.



Measure and manage employee perspectives on key elements of your business


Employees are your most important customers. They provide crucial insights into business and process improvements, as well as the overall customer experience.

From regular relationship studies to gauge employee health to real-time transaction-based feedback, employee experience requires a multi-faceted approach in order to help you understand and manage the employee experience.


  • Feedback across the employee journey
  • Bi-annual engagement benchmark studies
  • Ongoing engagement pulse surveys
  • Omni-channel surveys to suit your employee preference
  • Immediate notification of employee dissatisfaction
  • Relevant reports for every level of your organisation
  • Peer-to-peer recognition programme
  • Churn prediction and employee satisfaction mapping
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Everything you need for your Employee Engagement Programme


Centralised Omni-channel Feedback

Deliver surveys in the way your employees prefer them and get great response rates.Understand multiple experiences across voice, email, social, and digital channels in one place for a central view of your employee feedback - and your business.


In-depth and Pulse Measurements

Ensure employees feel valued by giving them a voice (VoE) and the opportunity to be listened to.Regular employee feedback in the form of in-depth and pulse surveys ensures that you measure EX metrics at every stage of the employee lifecycle.


Automatic Escalations

Workflow functionality allows you to manage and recover from low scores seamlessly, from one system.Getting notified of low scoring surveys, in real-time, means you can reach your employees in the moment and gather data on the root causes of dissatisfaction.


Real-Time Reporting and Insight

Employee feedback data helps you improve every aspect of your service delivery.Flexible reporting gives actionable insights into the performance of your people and processes. Our open API means you can use your data in a way that suits you.

Want to Know More?

Book some time with our sales team to learn how your employees and organisation can benefit from SmokeCI's Employee Engagement Programme. 


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Employees who are engaged show up and give their best each day

Engaged employees characteristically feel valued by their organisation. Companies should thus ensure that their employees feel valued, and an effective way to do so is to provide employees with an opportunity to be listened to. The best way to do so is by giving their employees a voice (Voice of the Employee [VOE]).


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