Customer Experience for the Automotive Industry

Vehicle ownership is 75% emotion, so the experience you offer matters more than in any other industry. Our solution enables measurement, and more importantly, recovers rapidly to ensure you drive CX throughout your brand.

It's more than a car, it's an experience, a passion, a lifestyle....

How does your Customer Experience measure up?


Why the automotive industry trusts us

  • We help our customers engage more than 150 thousand vehicle owners annually;
  • The complexity of Voice of the Customer (VoC) measurement is removed thanks to dealer and service centre measurement toolkits;
  • Results aligned to OEM requirements;
  • Real-time escalations provide the information necessary to rapidly recover from service failures and identify the root causes of such;
  • POPIA and GDPR aligned practices ensure data protection; and
  • Reporting on an individual, dealership, and regional level enables niche improvement interventions, benchmarking and cost savings.

When it comes to driving CX, decisions based on real-time VoC make a real difference

As a leading automotive brand, our client knows that loyalty to a vehicle brand requires an emotional connection. In the highly competitive automotive industry, how customers feel about a particular brand can often outweigh more logical considerations when making a purchase. Our customer sought to grow this emotional connection through great customer experience.

Through a partnership with Smoke Customer Intelligence, the automotive brand was able to identify the causes of dissatisfaction and implement changes in a way that directly improved customer satisfaction. This, in turn, has helped them achieve sales numbers within the top 5 of all brands nationwide.


Understanding customer experience by measuring major touch-points



Many consumers conduct 90% of research online before entering a dealership. The experience offered by this touch-point should offer a great one.



As the physical manifestation of the experience offered to your customers, your dealership network is a substantial customer touch-point.


Service Centres

Close the loop by contacting low scoring customers post service experience to rectify the issue all within one system, so no customer is left behind.


Contact Centre

Your contact centre can be your biggest customer touch-point requiring professional, knowledgeable, and empathetic agents to deliver delight.

Building better cars does not create more customer loyalty

The worst performing car today is better than the best one 10 years ago, but loyalty hasn't really shifted... 

We outlay some tips on how to improve your CX.



Want to Know More?

Book some time with sales to discuss your unique needs, and discover how SmokeCI can help you achieve more from your VOC and CX programmes.


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